Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Kelsey One, Truly One of a Kind

Twenty four years ago today in the early morning hours of a beautiful Calgary, AB morning following a mad dash to the Foothills Hospital our Kelsey was born number three of four children but the youngest of our daughters.  Danielle our redhead, Haley our blonde, and to round out our trio we needed a little brunette and thus Kelsey entered our home and our hearts.  In my minds eye I just have to think of things she's said or done to either cry or laugh out loud.  Being a father is such a wonderful blessing especially when your home is enriched by loving, obedient children that love you and one another.  Kelsey has always been this child with a quick 'I love you' on her lips or 'okay dad, whatever you say'.  Not to say that Kelsey does not have a mind of her own and hasn't been involved in her share of mischief but as I look back over the years I can't really remember anything but the good times.
Kelsey has always been know in our family as Kelsey-One which she named herself when very small.  When she was little and people would ask her which one of our daughters she was she would generally reply, "I'm the Kelsey One", and it stuck.  She truly is our Kelsey One!  Our one-in-a-million, our one-of-a-kind, and an important part of our family that makes us ONE.  To say that Kelsey is unique and a little quirky would be an understatement and we love so much this facet of her personality.  Her fascination with zombies and her god given writing talent have even started her on a path of possible stardom as she is penning a zombie romance novel.  Her mother and I have laid in bed at night and read this on several occasions and enjoyed it so much and can see our Kelsey in the pages as her personality shines through.  We have truly been blessed with bright, witty and loving children that have always filled our home with their laughter and now we not only have Kelsey but she has brought Bruce Chenuz into our home as well as their adorable little guy, Eli.  Their little family enriches our lives each and every day even though they are now living a bit further away the memories of times past keep them ever present in our hearts and minds.
If I could have a wish today it would be to hold my Kelsey-One as tight as we did when she was a baby and whisper in her ear like I've done so many times that I love her and always will.  With that not being possible I'll just have to settle for a FaceTime moment and wait for us to be reunited in the near future.  Kelsey, my heart is so full today with the thoughts of you growing up and the privilege it has been to be your father.  I just love seeing bits and pieces of your mom in you especially now that you are a mother.  It is so hard for me to believe that 24 years have come and gone but I truly look forward to the next 24 as long as I can have you in my life.  Your mom and I love you and your little family so much.
Enjoy some pictures of our Kelsey's journey below:

Kelsey Larsen, Born Calgary, AB 1988

Kelsey at the hospital following a wham-bam delivery.

Holly snuggling Kelsey so tight was what made her happy.

Uncle Rick and our girls

Make up just never was her friend.

Striking a Pose, always the funny little performer in her sister's productions.

Beautiful from the beginning!

Sisters at Halloween

Grandpa Larsen & Kelsey the horse lover.

The animal lover in the family.

Dance move, deciding Foo-Foo was not her thing.

Like I said, 'a little quirky'.

The Chenuz' Expecting - Hooray

Kelsey-One the Mom

Bruce and Kelsey - Christmas 2011

Eli, Kelsey and Edgar


I didn't think it would be possible for my daughters to get any more beautiful than they were when they were just little running around the house in dress up clothes, but I was wrong.  They all take after their mother and just get more and more beautiful each and every day both inside and out.  Kelsey is truly our one of a kind and we love her dearly!

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