Friday, August 17, 2012

Awe Inspiring Jasper, Alberta

The past few years my wife and I have discovered the best way to spend my two days off which are usually Monday and Tuesday.  We pack our bags Saturday night, go to work and church Sunday morning and as soon as we can get away we head to the Canadian Rockies.  We've done this a few times now to both Banff and Jasper.  There is no better place to unwind and enjoy time together.  Two days seems so much longer there than just hanging out at home.  We're exploring new things and I love the time we have on the drive there and back.  It's great fun and has added a new dimension to our relationship that has made life an adventure even at 50.
This past weekend we went to Jasper and stayed at the Bear Hill Cabins.  They aren't fancy but quiet, however, I think we'll try somewhere else next time.  The Alpine Chalets looked really nice but they book up quickly.  The theme of our trip this past weekend seemed to be 'Bears'.  We rarely see bears but we saw three in one day as the pictures below will show.  The first little black bear was so much fun to watch stripping the berries from the bushes no more than 15 feet from us.  I also got to try out my new camera which I'm not quite quick enough with for capturing swimming bears but perhaps next time.  All in all I would recommend a short road trip to anyone interested in adding some flavor to their relationship.  We enjoyed seeing places we took our children to when they were little and the memories are so sweet.

Black Bear Gets Stuck
Holly in Jasper
Maligne (Wicked) River
Elk Herd Outside Jasper
Dennis near Pyramid Lake
Maligne River with Suspended Logs
Amazing River Gorge and Rapids

Brown Bear Swims River
A Bear Butt

The End, For Now

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