Monday, August 27, 2012

August 19, 1981, A Life Changing Date

On the date noted above an individual was born in British Columbia, Canada that would have a profound impact on my life and the life of my family, but mostly in the life of our older daughter, Danielle.  Allan Dale Reay was born the youngest of a large family, grew up in Kamloops, BC and under no-less than divine intervention I'm sure, made his way to Edmonton, AB where he worked saving money for his mission to Leeds, England.  We knew little of this remarkable young man other than the quiet whispers between our daughters when they would see him at church about how handsome he was.  Even when he assisted with the construction of a room in our basement we didn't get to know him as well as we should have.  But arriving home from his mission he once again managed to find a reason to be in Edmonton, AB and most importantly attending church in our ward and on a day when Danielle was with us.  I have no doubts that a loving Heavenly Father leads the paths we take and that such important events as this do not happen by chance.  Holly and I noted that the two seemed destined for one another as they locked eyes and introductions were made.
I can't say that I didn't fall for Holly just as hard as Allan fell for Danielle but I didn't ask for her hand in marriage quite as quickly.  I will never forget that day and the way my heart seemed to stop when he asked for her hand in marriage as we rode back from a speaking assignment we both had in Spruce Grove.  The prospects of actually letting my daughter leave the nest and turn over responsibility for her safe keeping was more than I had expected and I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest.  Not in a bad way but in an "I don't know what to expect next" kind of way that I think most fathers go through when their daughters marry.  It didn't take me long though to recognize that in Allan I had a young man I could trust with anything but most importantly my daughter.  We had prayed that Danielle would find the man of her dreams that would also be the man of our dreams that would take her to the temple and help her raise a family in a home where peace abides and the gospel of Jesus Christ is important.  In Allan our prayers were answered and he continues to gladden our home and our lives.
As you can see from the pictures below, he is the additional son and brother to our family that makes us laugh and give us pause to reflect on what is really important.  I love this young man for who he is, what he has done and for the remarkable husband and father that he is.  I am proud to call him my son.

Wedding Announcement 2004

Wedding Day - Edmonton Alberta Temple

Don't Think I Want To Know What He's Saying

Wading in Logan Creek, a family tradition - Cold!!!

Cory's Birthday - Fun Having a New Older Brother

Or is it?

I'm Lost For Words???

Allan helping Emma learn to ride her bike.

Walker's first time shooting a rifle.

Lillian tries the slide in the arms of her dad. (Static Included)

Always the Joker

The Reay Family, Salt Lake City Temple Square 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Reay - Summer 2012
Even though we still sometimes write Danielle Larsen when referring to our daughter, there is no doubt that this family is the 'Reay' of sunshine that makes us happy.  What a wonderful thing it is for us to have them so close and to have our beautiful grandchildren in our home on a regular basis.  As a father the greatest blessing is to have a young man love and look after your most prized possessions that instills trust and assurance in your soul.  In Allan I have this blessing!

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