Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jasper, Alberta Sept 2012

Just got back from a quick two day trip to Jasper, Alberta and am ready to load up and go right back.  This having to 'work for a living' thing is really starting to cramp the lifestyle that I wish I could become more accustom to.  We had amazing weather, beautiful scenery, remarkable food and there is nothing better than spending time with my sweetheart.  I just love that after 31 years of marriage we still discover new things about each other and can spend hour after hour just talking and being the best of friends.  It's interesting that for 25+ years our focus and drive was to raise our family the best we could and give them the skills we thought they needed to succeed, and now we still find ourselves discussing the same things but in a different context.  Even though I recently turned 53 and have the same worries and insecurities that I think many have at this age, I'm really enjoying where I'm at, who I'm with and the wonderful family that surrounds me.  Some days, like yesterday, standing in awe at the majesty of this beautiful world I just don't think life could get any better.

Hope you enjoy some of the pics of our latest road trip:

Athabasca Falls

Athabasca Falls Close Up

Dennis at Medicine Lake
We were at this same location 1 month ago and the rock I'm sitting on was about 20 feet underwater.  Medicine lake goes from being a trickle of a stream in the winter to a huge lake and back to a stream in an ongoing cycle that the natives thought was driven by the Gods, however, it's due to an underground water system that drains the lake each year.

Holly near Athabasca Falls

Holly at Medicine Lake

Holly Atop Huge Boulder
 Again, this rock was well underwater a month ago and in the distance you can see the trees near the shore.  They were about 5 feet underwater at that time as well.

Mount Edith Cavell

Mountain Goat
 On the drive home we were commenting on the fact that we had not seen any goats the past couple of times we've gone to Jasper and around the next curve we encountered this herd.  Many small goats with anxious parents watching over them.  Not the least bit concerned about our presence.

Mountain Goats with Young

Holly Lounging at Patrica Lake Bungalows

Patrica Lake
 Patricia Lake was the site of a top secret project during WWII that was put forth by Winston Churchill and the Canadian Government.  They attempted to construct a floating air craft carrier made predominantly from ice.  The project was ultimately dropped due to costs and the war drawing to a close but the remnants of the prototype still resides at the bottom of this beautiful lake.

Patrica Lake, Jasper, AB

Patrica Lake - September 2012
 Yesterday we decided to take a canoe out for a spin on the lake with the express warning from the property to stay close to shore, don't tip over, and don't take off your life jacket for any reason.  The water is incredibly cold, much colder than I would have anticipated and over the summer they had a gentleman take his life vest off and go for a swim.  His swim turned into more like a 'sink' and he went right to the bottom with his family watching in a boat.

Patricia Lake Bungalows Dock and View
So off we went after a bit of a rocky start we managed to move down the shoreline, enjoying the beautiful view as we went.  Ahead of us was a couple in their early 40's recently married in a kayak designed for perhaps a couple of kids not an adult couple and the guy was well over 230 lbs.  As they set off I thought to myself that his butt was really only an inch above the water.  Sure enough, a kilometer away from the dock we saw them sink and watched as they tried to get to shore.  We paddled like crazy to get to them and help as we could.  Upon our arrival they were standing in shallow water with the kayak in tow.  We were very concerned about the prospects of hypothermia but they were more worried about their sunken camera.  Anyway, they were in a good location to sit and wait for help and the sun was shining.  Needless to say, our leisure canoe trip ended up with a back breaking rowing race back to the dock to request help.  Thankfully, they didn't charge us for the rental.
Otherwise we thoroughly enjoyed the Patricia Lake Bungalows and will return after the snow melts next year.  Oh, and we saw 'Hope Springs' and yes I was the only male there and yes I did cry.  Some things never change.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dad, I cried in the movie too and don't worry... when Bruce and I went and saw it I think that we were the only couple there under the age of 65. Also, those photos of Patricia Lake are stunning! The reflection is so perfect it almost looks like a mirror.
