Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Son, Cory, 22 on the 22nd!

I grew up with three brothers and no sisters, so when our first three children were girls I found myself at a bit of a loss as to what to do.  I knew nothing of hair bows or hormones and it was quite a rude awakening, to say the least.  You can imagine how relieved I was when our fourth child was a little boy, who we have called 'Big Guy', from the time he was very small.  He helped to level the playing field in our home and gave his sisters something to focus on.  I can't even begin to count the number of times he was dressed up, made up and fussed over.  Cory was the 'toy' his sisters had always wanted and they spoiled him more than we did as his parents.
As a child, Cory was always interested in doing 'Big Work' cause he was sure he was a 'Big Worker Man'.  If there was a screw driver, saw or any sort of tool involved he had to be right in the thick of things.  I love to look back in my mind's eye to see him toting a tool, almost bigger than himself, to help with any type of project.  Putting the swing set together in our backyard stands out as one of those events.  It was difficult to bring down a few years ago because each time I would look at that play-set, I could still see the kids laughing and playing and Cory right in the middle of the fun.
Cory has always been a tender-hearted little guy and never liked to see anybody struggling or sad.  I remember on one occasion, he was at the office with me and a man approached us as we left the mall at Christmas time and asked us for some change.  I had none but Cory had two loonies and insisted on giving them to the stranger.  This example has stuck with me all these years and I can't turn people away because of the actions of my little boy.
I don't know where the years have gone.  Just yesterday he was a skinny little toddler making the whole family laugh with his antics, doing 'squinty-eyes' or the 'funny walk'.  He's always been able to make us laugh with his quick wit and funny perspective of the world around us.  Those years pass too quickly and if you're a parent you know what I mean.  Cherish those years!  My days used to start with Cory shaving right along with me, him sitting on the counter, lathered up and matching me, stroke for stroke, with an old razor with no blade.  He would then take me prisoner and lock me in the imaginary jail so I didn't have to go to work and could stay home and play trucks with him.  Oh, how I wish I could turn the clock back and get locked in that jail again.
We have been blessed to see some modern-day miracles in the life of our son.  For years, we feared that he would be smaller than his friends and we knew this troubled him, but following some miraculous changes to his health and problems with food allergies, he has grown to be taller than myself and is as strong as a bull.  He still worries that he's not big enough but I keep telling him, "Just wait till your metabolism slows down, and then you'll be working to keep the weight off.  Look at me and my brothers."
My boy has always shown only the greatest respect for Holly and I and I love him for that.  He is honest and can share his deepest thoughts and most troubling concerns with us and we love him for it.  Cory is no longer a boy, even though he can be a boy at heart, as you'll see in the pictures below.  He is a man that I am so very proud of.  He has worked to overcome challenges and has the character of a man that I will be proud to have carry my name into the next generation.
Cory is a vibrant member of our family and we are certainly not complete without him.

Story Time with Holly and Sisters

Cory and Grandma Lynn at Logan Zoo

Army Man Dress Up, An Every Day Occurrence

Duck Feet From Nursery at Church

Cory Graduates from Playschool

Cory relaxing with Dad and Great Grandma Verlyn

Big Worker Man Birthday - His mom, her only time as a redhead.

More Big Work - digging holes for new trees.

Cory giving his sisters a quick flight in a chopper like his Uncle Rick.

Cory during his weapons phase.

Still in the weapons phase but more deadly.

Playing with Eli, a nephew.

More fun with nieces and nephews, this time with Lillian.
Cory never passes up a chance to make us laugh!
My pheasant hunting partner - 2011.

Kind of ticks me off that he's a better shot than me!

Boys will be boys, who wants to grow up anyway? Christmas 2012
Trip to Utah 2012, Haley, Holly and Grandma Broby

Driving Hannah crazy, we're quite sure she hates him.

Holly and our children - 2011 Mother's Day

What an amazing and fun 22 years, very much looking forward to the next 22 with my 'Big Guy'.  Happy Birthday Cory!  Know that we love you more than words could ever say!

Friday, December 7, 2012

December in St. George, Utah & More

We've spent the past few days at our home in St. George.  Absolutely beautiful weather, leaves still clinging to the trees, with some fallen and creating piles big enough for adults to play in.  Beginning October 4th of this year, I began an exercise that I have always wanted to undertake but never taken seriously enough, until now.  On the final Sunday in November, I completed my first novel and we have spent the days, here in St. George, editing.  Writing was much more fun than this process, unfortunately, but Holly has been great to help.  We are almost done and ready to distribute copies to family and friends.  Amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind and fingers to work.
In our off hours, we've loved our time together and I've especially enjoyed finding new Christmas Music and Videos.  A few of our pictures from our stay and these videos are below:

Dennis & Holly outside St. George Gallery

Nativity Story at LDS St. George Temple 2012

Chief Editor at Work

'Life is Good' Fire Truck

Beautiful Reminder of the True Meaning of Christmas
Hope you enjoy the videos, personally, can't get enough of these three!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween just isn't what it used to be, when our children were young it was a big event in our neighborhood.  Adults and their children would dress up and roam the neighborhood from house to house in search of wonderful treats, but tonight we had a grand total of six children come to our door, and three of those were our grandchildren.  I worked at my office in West Edmonton Mall today and in fifteen minutes we gave away candy to 240 children, some of which looked like they were still in high school.  The entire holiday has shifted from a fun neighborhood centered activity to a challenge to see which parents can get their children around to the most stores in the shortest amount of time, scoring the largest bulk of candy, most of which I'm sure is eaten by the parents.
My mom loved Halloween and would spend months thinking up and preparing a costume that would delight her co-workers and customers.  She would be so disappointed in the holiday as it is today.  It's true things change but not always for the better, I'm a traditional kind of guy and I hate to see the traditions of my youth traded for something cheap and easy.
Anyway, loved my grand-children's idea of Halloween, still went door to door and came to our place for a special treat.  Hope our little Eli in Vancouver had as much fun as our local kids did here.

Walker as Bumble Bee & Emma as Little Red Riding Hood

Transformer and Red hooking up for a night of candy collecting and munching in Edmonton.  Even -15 degrees couldn't keep these determined 'Trick or Treaters' from scoring a bag full of candy.  Followed carefully by their little sister Lilllian, 'Trick or Treater' in training as the baby duck.

Lillian as the Baby Duck that growls
Their parents are always so good to make sure that they enjoy these special events and create memories for them that they will cherish when they are my age.

Danielle and her little duckling
  Can't wait to see what our little Eli looks like dressed as Dauby from Harry Potter.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hide Your Hearts Girls, Eli's Turning 2

A couple of weeks ago we had a wonderful visit from our daughter, Kelsey, and her little guy, Eli.  At the time we celebrated Eli's birthday but he actually turns two on the 29th.  Prior to two years ago the 29th has been a difficult day for me as my mother passed away on this day in 1993.  Now I still have a certain degree of sadness and the memories of that day, but with the birth of Eli my mind is taken to a higher plane and I can't help but think of the fun my mom would have had with this little great grandson.  More than anything she lived her life for her children and grandchildren.  Grandma Lynn was one of those grandma's that got on the floor and played games with the kids and invited them into her bed for books and sleepovers.  Even though many years have passed, our children have the fondest of memories of their Grandma Lynn.

I just love watching my wife, Holly, now playing the role of the 'fun' grandma.  Holly has devoted her life to our children and now that we have grandchildren, it is so fun for me to see her interact with these special little people.  We are blessed to have them close enough that we can see them regularly.  Having Eli visit from Vancouver was so special for us.  Watching him interact with his cousins is precious, his buddy - Walker, was disappointed today when I told him it was Eli's birthday tomorrow and he expected him to be here for a party and I had to tell him no.  Anyway, long story short, having this quirky little Eli in our lives has brought nothing but wonderful memories and laughter to this special day.

Bruce and Kelsey are from a generation somewhat foreign to Holly and I and they both have strong personalities with unique tastes.  Their little guy, Eli, is a unique blend of both his parents.  He can make me laugh just looking at him and now that he can talk he is saying the funniest things and the funniest way.  This past trip he was really into playing cars and it was fun to see that aspect of his personality develop and his imagination flourish.  More than anything we wish we could be in Vancouver tomorrow to see this special little boy but we always look forward to the next visit or next phone call.  As I'm writing this, Holly is having a laugh with him on FaceTime - thank heavens for technology.  Don't know what we'd do if we couldn't actually see him regularly.

Included are a few pictures from this remarkable little boys life, so far.  We love all of our grandchildren so much and they have given even greater purpose to our lives, getting older definitely has it's rewards.

Eli Bruce Chenuz, born Oct. 29, 2010
Danielle & Emma with new born Eli 
Eli's First Trip to Utah 2011
Uncle Cory & Eli

Halloween as Newsie with his father, Bruce

Grandpa & Eli just hanging out
Eli, Future Dentist?

Playing ball with cousin Walker

Baby Eli with Grandma Holly

Eli consoles his cousin Emma, Utah 2012
The picture above displays one of the most special moments I can remember from our Summer holidays.  Emma was sad and it was really important to Eli that everyone be happy.  So he got in her face and talked with her until he had her smiling and laughing.  Some talents and gifts are God given, perhaps this is his.

Eli's Trip to Zoo with Grandma & Grandpa 2012
King of the Funny Face
Four Generations with Great Grandma

Eli Demo's the Cheese Smile for Uncle Des

Lots of Family and Friends Love this Eli Chenuz

Checking out the penguins 2012

Auntie Haley, Mom and Eli

Shepherd Boy, Christmas as Reays 2011
Uncle Allan Demo's How to Catch
Eli doesn't seem very impressed with the demonstration offered by his Uncle Allan, looks a little bit like Charlie Brown here.
Early Birthday Party 2012
Happy Birthday Eli, We Love You!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pheasant Hunt 2012 - South Dakota

Just got home from our annual pheasant hunting trip in South Dakota.  Every year my brothers, our boys and my stepfather converge on Murdo, SD for a weekend of hunting, laughs and bonding.  The event has become a tradition that has created and continues to create some wonderful lasting memories.  The expense is astronomical but the reward and the building of boys into men, and strengthening our relationships far outweighs the financial downside.

Cory, Pheasant Hunt 2012

My son Cory, and I hate to admit this, has turned into a better shot than myself.  I enjoy watching his success and the good time he has with his cousins, uncles and Grant, my stepfather.  This year we had great success in terms of the number of birds bagged, limited out every day.  And on more than one occasion ran out of shells in the vest before running out of birds popping up.  It's just insane how many pheasants are grouped together in some of the fields we hunt in Draper, SD.  Below are a few of the photos from this years hunt.

Younger Generation Hunting Crew

Cory finds a snake, thankfully not a 'Rattler'

Cory & Dennis - Draper, SD

Dennis & Brother Shaun with live bird.

Note the bloodied cheek, Shaun was a little close with one shot.

Cory and Dennis, limited out

Grant and boys, 2012

Hunting Crew 2012

Older Hunting Crew